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Adhesives & Accessories

Everything you need to adhere, bond and clean woods, laminates, acoustics, acrylics, and all plastic and timber paneling. Leading brands, low odour, and environmentally friendly.
Tec 7
Tec7 – Cleaning Kit
Tec 7
Tec7 – MS Polymer Adhesive
Tensor Grip
Tensorgrip L17 – General Purpose Spray Adhesive
Tensor Grip
Tensorgrip L32 – Melamine High Strength Adhesive
 Vuplex® Perspex® Cleaner
Sabre Bond
Sabrebond Structural SMP40
Tensor Grip
Tensorgrip X40 – Acoustic Panel Spray Adhesive
Tensor Grip
Tensorgrip C101 – Citrus Adhesive Cleaner
Mitch's Trade Essentials
Adhesive Contact Sprayable – Wood & Laminate
EchoPanel® Mitch's Trade Essentials
Acoustic Screen Support Bracket Set

Our Process

Our team can help you very early on in your project. We can assist with planning & design, material selection, & colour-matching. In addition to supplying high-quality acoustic and acrylic materials, we also offer a unique range of CNC knife cutting, laser cutting & etching. Once we have your products selected and cut, we will pack them and deliver your finished job to your warehouse or building site.

Exclusive Distributor of Genuine Perspex® Australia & New Zealand.
Contact us
32-38 Redwood Dr, Dingley Village, VIC 3172